Try this EMDR Meditation! Pretty amazing.
Hey Mindfuls, I stumbled upon this video on YouTube and tried it out. It is a 15-minute meditation that uses sound to influence the right...
Subscriber Post: Mindfulness Series (Post your comments HERE!)
Dear Modernday Mindful subscribers, I promised to provide you with a place to post your comments from your "homework" in our 10-week...
Terror, Fear, Mindfulness, Love
Terror is mindless. It is literally mindless. These people have lost their minds. Many of those young adults and teenagers have simply...
My terrible, no good, kind of actually good parenting experience.
I had a terrible evening with my kids last night. It was so bad that I wound up not sleeping half the night. My son and daughter were...
Can You Get Totally Pissed Off and Still be Mindful?
This morning sucked. I live in a dead-end street, and have to turn right onto a very narrow street in order to take my two sons to...
Get Your Ass Out of the Chair and Sit!
No seriously. Get out of your chair, stand up from your desk and sit. Every single day. Maybe twice a day if possible. But definitely...
Do You Feel Stuck? It Might be Your Life Lesson!
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like you’re stuck? You feel like life sucks? You feel trapped by your...
15 Benefits of Mindfulness
If you haven’t noticed the influx of Internet musings on mindfulness, then I know no other explanation except that you’ve been living in...
I’ve Taught my Kids Mindfulness. And They Get It. (Haven't they?)
(Note: In case you weren't able to notice, this post is tongue in cheek, meant to be an entertaining parody on mindful parenting)...
Practice Makes Perfect: 10 Daily Mindfulness Exercises
I mention mindfulness in all of my posts, it is part of my blog title, but I have never offered up a list of simple, real exercises to...